Remove urine odor from carpets or upholstered furniture with UF2000

: Een flesje UF2000 geur- en vlekverwijderaar, met een sproeikop, staat op een houten tafel naast een stapel papieren handdoeken. Op de achtergrond is een vloerbedekking en een stoffen stoel te zien, die suggereren dat het product gebruikt kan worden voor het verwijderen van urinegeur en -vlekken uit vloerbedekking en stoffen meubels. Op het label van de fles is duidelijk de naam "UF2000" te zien.

IMPORTANT!!! Remove urine odor from carpet? Always check in advance that the material to be treated remains colorfast by first testing the product in an inconspicuous place! UF2000 is also suitable for treating upholstered furniture and carpet.

For freshly formed urine stains:

Do not use other cleaning agents (chemical) or masking agents. Do not use shampoos either. If you plan to shampoo or clean your carpet, do so only after removing the urine odor and urine stains with UF2000.

First, blot up as much urine as possible with paper towels. Do not press down with your shoe, as your footprints can leave traces of urine on your carpet or rug. Use your hands to press down on the paper towels, then wash them thoroughly with soap or preferably use protective plastic gloves. Use the spray bottle to thoroughly saturate the urine spot and the underlying layer with UF2000 (for best results in completely removing the urine odor and urine stain, it is essential that UF2000 fully contacts the urine that has been absorbed into the material). Allow the spot to dry normally.

Once the urine odor and/or urine stain are removed, remove the residue with a little water and blot the area with paper towels. It is important to do this because otherwise the residue can attract dirt again.

For old, dried urine stains:

It could be that long-term urine stains have damaged the color of your carpet. Even complete urine removal with UF2000 cannot fix this.

Do not use other cleaning agents (chemical) or masking agents. Do not use shampoos either. If you plan to shampoo or clean your carpet, do so only after removing the urine odor and urine stains with UF2000.

Use the spray bottle to thoroughly saturate the urine spot and the underlying layer with UF2000 (for best results in completely removing the urine odor and urine stain, it is essential that UF2000 fully contacts the urine that has been absorbed into the material). Allow the spot to dry normally.

For very old and difficult-to-remove urine stains:

Apply an excessive amount of UF2000 (saturation) to the stain and cover it with a piece of plastic to allow UF2000 to work longer.

Keep in mind that during the first treatment with UF2000 of an old urine stain, the urine odor may initially intensify. This happens more often with old, severe urine stains: this indicates that the urine is gradually dissolving and coming to the surface.

After a few hours, remove the plastic and blot the wet spot dry with a (paper) towel. If necessary, repeat the treatment above for several days in a row until the urine stain is no longer visible or the urine odor is completely removed (in some situations, 3 to 4 treatments may be necessary).

Once the urine odor and stain are removed, remove the residue with a little water and blot with paper towels or a dry cloth. It is important to do this because otherwise the residue can attract dirt again (and rings can form).

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