Ecodor products are prepared by fermenting molasses and plant extracts. Our liquids include enzymes. Enzymes are proteins with specific biochemical catalytic activity. As a catalyst, an enzyme binds to a particle (of the substrate), making it easier for the substrate to react.

Enzymes thus accelerate the reaction. (In the case of Ecodor, the enzymes accelerate the natural breakdown of odour molecules).

Enzyme (v. Gr. en = in, zumè = acid dough, yeast); the old name for enzyme is ‘ferment’. ( Ferment: the substance that causes fermentation = enzyme; Fermentation = fermentation ).

Source: The enzymes obtained by fermentation are the so-called exoenzymes. The preparation process eliminates cellular material such as yeast, fungi or bacteria in Ecodor products.

Technically, enzymes have catalytic activity. Each enzyme is specific to a particular substrate. In odour control, this means that one type of enzyme can only catalyse the conversion of one type of odour molecule. However, Ecodor concentrate contains a cocktail of enzymes that can accelerate a very large number of different degradation reactions. The majority of odours are broken down.

To contact the Ecodor product mixture with the odour components, the Ecodor concentrate is diluted 250 to 500 times with water. This solution is sprayed over the odour source or into the drain of an air treatment system. Adsorption then occurs between the odour molecule and a drop of Ecodor. This removes (odour) molecules from the air phase. The enzymes in the product mixture act as catalysts for the natural decomposition process, neutralising the odour.

The odour molecule can then be neutralised in a number of ways.

When the odour molecule forms an irreversible bond with a particle present in Ecodor, it is immobilised. This usually involves a precipitation precipitation, where a salt is formed from the odour particle (its ion) and an ion from the Ecodor solution. This prevents the odour molecule from returning to the air phase, which will reduce the concentration of odour molecules.

Upon binding to an enzyme in Ecodor, an odour molecule is catalytically broken down into non-odorous degradation products that would also be formed during normal degradation. Ecodor only accelerates the breakdown process here. Again, this will also reduce the concentration of odour-causing molecules.

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