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Remove urine odor from carpets or upholstered furniture with UF2000

: Een flesje UF2000 geur- en vlekverwijderaar, met een sproeikop, staat op een houten tafel naast een stapel papieren handdoeken. Op de achtergrond is een vloerbedekking en een stoffen stoel te zien, die suggereren dat het product gebruikt kan worden voor het verwijderen van urinegeur en -vlekken uit vloerbedekking en stoffen meubels. Op het label van de fles is duidelijk de naam "UF2000" te zien.

Remove urine odor and stains from carpets and upholstered furniture with UF2000. Always test for colorfastness first. Do not use other cleaning agents or masking agents. Blot up as much urine as possible with paper towels and use the spray bottle to saturate the spot with UF2000. Let the spot dry. With old, dried urine stains, the odor may intensify initially. For stubborn stains, apply an excessive amount of UF2000 and cover with plastic. Blot the wet spot dry after a few hours and repeat if necessary. Finally, remove the residue with water and blot dry. Order UF2000 easily online, now also available as a value pack.


Afbeelding van verschillende verpakkingsvormen van EcoClinic geureliminator. Inclusief sprays, flessen en andere verpakkingen die beschikbaar zijn.

EcoClinic is an environmentally friendly odor eliminator that uses natural enzymes to remove unwanted odors. The product is unscented, non-toxic, non-irritating, biodegradable, and hypoallergenic. Suitable for various applications in healthcare and sports environments. Store at room temperature, does not contain propellant gas, and the packaging is recyclable. Enzymes must be applied in sufficient quantities to be effective. Order easily online.


ECOCLEAN 3 IN 1 ALL-PURPOSE CLEANER Degreases, cleans hygienically and deodorises! EcoClean for a radiantly clean surface and great freshness! Active Ecodor formula to instantly remove dirt effortlessly without scrubbing. EcoClean is an enzymatic cleaner. User manual For all water-resistant surfaces such as (kitchen) appliances, counter, table, (work) surface, bath, tiles, etc. Spray directly onto […]


Afbeelding van een hond die in de kofferbak van een auto zit. De hond kijkt vrolijk naar buiten, met zijn tong uit zijn bek. De kofferbak is open, en je ziet een deel van de auto en de omgeving op de achtergrond.

ECOCAR, AGAINST ODOURS IN THE CAR EcoCar air freshener naturally breaks down odour molecules in the air, making the smell simply disappear instead of spraying a scent over it. EcoCar is ideal for eliminating odours in the car, food smells, smoke smells, pet odours, petrol smell and/or diesel smell, among others. Unlike ordinary ‘air freshener’, […]


Untreated stone or concrete looks like a hard substance, but actually it is like a hard sponge which easily absorbs urine through its many small openings. This means urine can easily soak deep into the stone or concrete, making the odour-removal process more difficult. For best results, follow the steps below. Do not use any […]