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Deodorising products
Our technology is capable of controlling your odour problem without using environmentally unfriendly chemicals and/or masking products.

An odorless, odor-free environment is the result

Deodorizing products

Ecodor deodorizing products eliminate odors quickly, and naturally.

Harmless to humans, animals and/or the environment.

Deodorizing products

Our technology is capable of controlling your odor problem without the use of environmentally unfriendly chemicals and/or masking products.
The enzymes present in Ecodor products (plant extracts) act as a catalyst for the bacteria present in the air, prompting them to destroy odor more quickly.
The following is an overview of currently available industrial deodorization products, which we supply as concentrates.

Naturally fermented

Ecodor EC250 (Concentrate)

Ecodor EC250 is manufactured by natural, plant-based fermentation. Therefore, it is biodegradable and is completely safe for humans and for the environment and foods.

Against stench of waste

Ecodor Odorshield (Concentrate)

What is special about Ecodor Odorshield is that it is applied over the odor source like a shielding blanket.

Urine odor remover

Ecodor UF2000 (Concentrate)

UF2000 is a powerful odor neutralizer that is environmentally friendly, effectively combating urine odor.

Some of our past projects


Over the past few years, we have had the opportunity to install several odor treatment systems at clients' facilities. Some of our customers include waste processors, slaughterhouses and food processors.

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Video clips

Here are some video clips of projects realized by Ecodor.

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Compressed air atomization, high-pressure systems and fog fans


Our photo book shows an overview of various installations we deploy at our customers' facilities to control released odors.

The photo book

For whom can Ecodor products be a solution?


Water treatment / Sludge

We remove odor at wastewater treatment plants and neutralize the odor released during the filling of sludge containers.

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Composting facilities

Air from a storage shed containing compost is extracted and emitted to the outside air through scrubbers and biobeds. Following the biobeds, an Ecodor deodorization system was installed as a downstream deodorization technique.

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Waste disposal

Garbage trucks dump the garbage into collection bunkers at a garbage processing plant. The household waste is transported to the incinerators by cranes. This involves a lot of dust and odor.

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Rendering plant/slaughterhouses

Waste released during pig slaughtering is heated in ovens. In the grease smelter in which these furnaces are located, the air is treated in several places before being post-treated in the biofilter.

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Fish and meat industry

Installation to combat persistent fish and meat odor released when handling, for example, shrimp, fat storage.

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Compound feeders

The production of compound feed and pet food releases product odors that can cause nuisances. Especially when heating the product, but also from the coolers.

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Food processing industry

At a food processing plant at the department where onions are cut, employees suffer greatly from the "onion smell," on the one hand the strong odor released during the cutting process, and on the other due to eye irritation from the onion "smell.

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Fumes and odors that occur during the baking of various snacks and are emitted to the environment can cause nuisance to nearby residents.

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Parking garages

In a parking garage where there is a lot of nuisance of "wild urination. To combat penetrating urine odors in parking garages, Ecodor deodorization systems are being installed.

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